Monday, January 14, 2019

Pennyroyal Academy Book Review

I just read Pennyroyal Academy and I can’t wait to read another book. Anyway here is my book report.

Pennyroyal Academy by MA Larson

There was once a girl lost in the woods who wears spiderwebs for clothes. She doesn’t know her name or why she is there in the treacherous forest. As she explores the dangerous forest she heard some weird noises then she saw a light shimmering out of the forest so she ran to the light as fast as her feet could take her. Then she arrived at a little cottage where she got trapped by a witch but then she was safely saved by a boy named Remington who enlists to Pennyroyal Academy to become a knight. Since the girl has nowhere to go she enlists at Pennyroyal Academy too. So she joined Remington on a harrowing adventure where they have to pass some dangerous places. After that harrowing adventure, they arrived at Pennyroyal Academy where princesses and knights battle witches and dragons. There she was given the name Evie and as she explores and learns how to be a princess, she surprisingly learns about her family, friends, and enemies and also about herself. And when the witches creep closer Evie learned what it truly means to be a princess. I learned that you should be strong and brave. Do not be scared because you are stronger and braver than you think. So if you think you are strong and brave enough, enlist to Pennyroyal Academy to become tomorrow's princesses and knights!

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